Have you ever considered running an online contest in Canada, and wanted to know the legal rules around this? Whether it’s to get new subscribers to your email list or followers on social media, there can be many good reasons to run an online contest, however most times the focus can be on the marketing end of things, and not the legal rules.

In this episode, I share the Competition Act of Canada framework, what to know about social media platform rules, short and long contest rules, winner release forms, the skill testing question, and more. 

Today you’ll hear about:

  • The importance of complying with the Competition Act (Canada) rules and how to get started in doing an online contest

  • How to design a contest with the key aspects of the Competition Act in mind from the start
  • The second layer of rules that will apply when running a contest on social media from the social media platforms

  • Tips and advice for using the winner release form with your contest

  • A few other relevant laws related to contests 

People can gain many email subscribers and followers from running online contests, so it’s not my intent to discourage anyone from doing them, but I hope this helps provide clarity with contests and more understanding on how to do them properly. I encourage you to check out the resources I mentioned below, and I’ll see you back here soon with a brand-new episode. 

Mentioned in the episode:

Competition Act (Canada) Contest Rules

Social Media Platform Contest Rules 

Listen to Get It In Writing on Apple, Spotify or wherever you catch your favorite podcasts!

For more please visit my website at You can connect with Corinne on Instagram at or by email, [email protected]. 

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